Common Misconceptions About Being an Entrepreneur

Common Misconceptions About Being an Entrepreneur

There’s been a huge shift in entrepreneurship in the last 50 years — and also in the last 10 to 15 years.

Being an entrepreneur has become the “cool” thing to do. We’ve “celebritized” it in a way.

We see all these different pictures of people with yachts, private jets, driving their new Bugatti, etc… we see reality TV like the Kardashians showing people “living the life.”

But with these shows, we never see what an entrepreneur is actually doing day in and out.

We don’t see the entrepreneur working 18-hour days, trying to pay their bills. We don’t see them borrowing money, trying to keep their company moving forward. We don’t see them rehabbing their new product or service, because customers are returning what they bought.

We don’t see them hiring, firing employees, people quitting or not showing up to work.

We don’t see the personal problems many entrepreneurs have behind the scenes — like their family hasn’t seen them in six months. Or they’re dealing with overwhelm, depression, binge-drinking, or doing drugs.

There’s a lot of negative shit that comes out of being an entrepreneur that people don’t realize.

Some people go into business with some kind of dream or idea about what they want to experience. The dream is unique to each person. But once they get into business, it becomes like a monster taking over. They don’t know how to control it, tame it, or get the monster moving in one direction.

Starting a business can either lead to personal freedom — or your own personal prison.

We need to ask ourselves a variety of questions about what to do when we start a business — so that we don’t end up creating a giant “job” for ourselves that we don’t even like. That’s what turns a business into a prison, rather than freedom.

Many people who start a business should really think about all of this beforehand.

So let me ask you something… if you’re in business, does it give you freedom, or do you feel like a prisoner?

If it feels like a prison, ask yourself what you are resisting being, doing or having that would shift things to provide you more personal freedom.

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Can real success happen in just 5 hours a week?

This week's question from my portal “The Neagle Code: Directions
for Life”
comes from Miranda.

Neagle                 Code Question

Hi David!

I am running my biz from home with 2 small children. I am struggling to get on the computer every night after they are both asleep, and manage to carve out 5 hours a week for myself. My question is- if you only had 5 hours a week to focus on your biz, what would you do?

Neagle                                               Code Answer

Hi Miranda!

The truth is, I think you’re asking the wrong question…

I don’t know of any successful business owners who have obtained their success by working 5 hours per week on their business.

You’re certainly not setting yourself up for success that way.

I suggest you first get clear on your goal.

Do you want a small side business or do you want a thriving business?

If you want to run a successful and thriving business, you may want to hire help to come in and care for your children so that you can focus on that goal.

Bringing in childcare even for a few hours per day would make a massive difference in your business.

It sounds to me that in order to truly build your business, you need to build in support for yourself so that you can be the captain of the ship rather than a passenger.

Can you give yourself permission to do that?

Just Believe,®
Interesting Image


PS: The Neagle Code: Directions for Life is a weekly no-cost
program that is open to everyone! Each week, I'll select and personally respond to one question received via the above “The Neagle Code” page that I feel in my heart will help the most people. (You may choose to remain anonymous if you wish, with our full support.) It is my deep, heartfelt intention that ~ in answering your questions ~ I may provide you with the Universal Truths that in committed application, will set you free. Simply submit YOUR burning question at: to participate.

This plays a major role in your sales slump

This week's question from my portal “The Neagle Code: Directions
for Life”
comes from Brenda Calhoun.

Neagle                 Code Question

Dear David,

I’m an entrepreneur and have been in business for almost 8 years. When I first began my business, I was full of fire and passion. I was excited to get out of bed every morning and I was really in love with what I was doing. Now I’m finding that my passion for this business is waning, and my sales are beginning to decline. While I still desire to continue in my business I’m wondering how much passion plays a part in its success. Can you weigh in here?

Neagle                                               Code Answer

Hi Brenda!

I’d love to weigh in. First let me say a few things about passion.

Passion is not something you “do”; it’s something you embody…it’s a way of being.

If you’re not passionate about what you do, your prospect will be less likely to hear your message, so it’s not surprising to me that your sales have dropped a bit.

Ask yourself if there’s anything about your business that you ARE passionate about, and focus in on that area.

Look at specifically what you’re not passionate about as well.

It could just be that it’s time for you to hire a team to take some of those tasks off your plate so you can spend more time being in your brilliance.

Do your best to tap back into that passion, but if it still seems like drudgery, it may be time for you to grow into your NEXT business and rediscover a new passion!

Just Believe,®
Interesting Image


PS: The Neagle Code: Directions for Life is a weekly no-cost
program that is open to everyone! Each week, I'll select and personally respond to one question received via the above “The Neagle Code” page that I feel in my heart will help the most people. (You may choose to remain anonymous if you wish, with our full support.) It is my deep, heartfelt intention that ~ in answering your questions ~ I may provide you with the Universal Truths that in committed application, will set you free. Simply submit YOUR burning question at: to participate.

Create your status. Fill it with achievement.

Entrepreneurs create their lives differently than the majority of people.

The majority, or the masses, have been taught a different set of beliefs and values based on hard work and incremental achievement.

They also believe that atonement is somehow given to them by other people.

“If I get good grades, then I'll get praised.”
“If I do a good job at work, then I'll get a raise.”

Success minded individuals know their achievement, promotion and income is created by themselves, and it begins with their thinking. Next they fill their lives with all the things that support a “success mindset.”

They surround themselves with like-minded people.

They invest in their skill development and take responsibility for their own personal growth.

They also understand that getting uncomfortable is a PREREQUISITE to all of this and they even learn to become comfortable living out on this edge of life. My mentor used to say, “If you are not living on the edge, you are taking up too much room.” I happen to agree.

The edge is the creative place to be and keeps a person growing and headed in the right direction.

People who play it safe and think they are going to maintain the status quo are living in ignorance of a very basic law of the universe. The Law says, You are either growing or dying, but nothing remains the same. Everything is in a state growth or death.

Now, ask yourself this question: Are you constantly preparing for your own success? Successful individuals realize that preparing is nothing more than a stalling tactic created by fear. It's unfortunate some people can't seem to get out of the “preparing for success” mindset. You see, once you make a decision to create your own success you move on that decision, everything you require for the manifestation of your dream begins to move to you.

A.L.Hunt put it this way:

1. Decide what you want

2. Decide what you will give up to get it

3. Get on with the work.

Does that seem scary? It should if your goal and your dreams are big enough.

One of my favorite authors (Price Pritchett) explained it like this:

“Quantum leaps jerk you out of your comfort zone. Prepare yourself for a pretty wild ride. You're going to cover unfamiliar terrain and encounter obstacles you've never faced before. It can feel like the safety chain linking you with behavior patterns that worked in the past is being stretched to the limit.

At times you may wonder if the situation is about to spin out of control. The normal reaction is to want to hold on tightly. But you're going to have to learn to let go.

A quantum leap is achieved through release.

So turn loose if you want to jump.

Don't be surprised if you grow uneasy…that's a predictable part of the process. When you take a the quantum leap you ride the situation, but you don't really control it all that much. In fact, the only way you control it is by:

1. Knowing where you are going.

2. Continuing the pursuit

3. Learning from your mistakes.

A quantum leap is an act of faith, exhilarating and possibly scary at the same time. You have to give up a large degree of security and safety; plow through greater amounts of ambiguity and confusion and uncertainty, wrestle with a totally new set of problems, invite failure, and possibly contend with criticism from other people who have been part of your support group in the past.

Make you uncomfortable?

That's a good sign.

If you're experiencing no anxiety or discomfort, the risk you're taking probably isn't worthy of you.

The only risks that aren't a little scary are the ones you've outgrown.

A high comfort level provides solid evidence that you're “playing it safe,” not growing, not really testing your limits at all, and not in the process of a quantum leap.

You might be making gradual progress…that's possible but you're not going for a breakthrough.

Doing this carries you beyond your commonplace, everyday habits and calls for a little more nerve.

So just go into this expecting a touch of anxiety. Uneasiness is a predictable psychological reaction when a quantum leap is underway.

It has been said that if you will do the thing you fear, death of fear is certain.

Courage is not the absence of fear and anxiety, it's proceeding in spite of those feelings.

So press on.”