When is debt ok?

This week's question from my portal “The Neagle Code: Directions for Life” comes from someone who wishes to remain anonymous.

Neagle Code Question

Is it ok to go into debt to build your business and invest in business growth strategies?

Neagle Code Answer

Hi and thanks for your question.

This question is the perfect example of my teachings on using debt as a tool.

I truly believe that the best use of debt is in the investment in your own growth, whether it’s personal, spiritual or business.

If you talk to any successful business owner you will see that they have used debt to propel their business.

However, there are parameters around using debt to grow your business.

First, before considering taking out a loan, you MUST have a plan. You must have an actionable strategy with clear-cut goals and benchmarks or be investing in a program that’s going to give you that clear-cut plan.

Second, you must be WILLING do what it takes to get a return on investment. This means you have to take action on your plan, and allow nothing to stop you.

A plan and goals are only as good as the paper they are written on.

You must be WILLING
to take action

I see entrepreneurs EVERYDAY who spend money on building their business or getting the information they need to build their business, but they never take the action they need to take to grow, and life becomes very hard.

The debt piles up and stress, worry, fear and doubt take hold.

Suddenly they find themselves wondering what happened and why things aren’t working and why things are so hard.

You see…success is EASY if you are willing.

PS: If you enjoy reading my weekly Neagle Code, you'll LOVE my podcast, The Successful Mind. You can expect cutting edge information and strategies relating to success mindset, leadership, wealth creation, and relationships, all based in Universal Law and my own experience creating a multi-million dollar business.

Will you do me a favor? Subscribe, listen and leave me a review! I'd love to know what you think!

Thanks in advance…click on the graphic below to listen in:

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Got Debt?

This week's question from my portal “The Neagle Code: Directions for Life” comes from someone who wishes to remain anonymous.

Neagle Code Question

Hi David! You teach that money is energy, and it occurred to me that debt may be a reflection of having received more than one has given.

Is that accurate? If so, what is the best way to reverse this equation?

It seems obvious to say ‘give more' – but give what? I don’t have ANY extra financial resources.


Neagle Code Answer

This is an excellent question!

Many people have issues with debt and the stigma and shame that come along with it.

To address your first question, debt is not a reflection of having received more than one has given.

Debt is essentially a tool and should be used as such. Most people think that debt is “bad,” but imagine what your life would be like without it.

How would you purchase a house or invest in education or experiences for yourself without it?

Instead of thinking
of it negatively,

be grateful for it.

All that being said, if you’re accumulating debt from a dysfunctional place, it’s very important that you address the underlying reason for your spending habits.

Are you buying things to fill a need (love, security or self esteem), or are you investing in your growth?

The second part of your question deals with something very different…

You alluded that it’s tough to give if you’re in debt.

When you give, it doesn’t have to be financially.

Doing a favor for a neighbor, giving of your time or your talents, and volunteering are just a few ways to “give” until you have the resources to give financially.

PS: If you enjoy reading my weekly Neagle Code, you'll LOVE my brand new podcast, The Successful Mind. You can expect cutting edge information and strategies relating to success mindset, leadership, wealth creation, and relationships, all based in Universal Law and my own experience creating a multi-million dollar business.

Will you do me a favor? Subscribe, listen and leave me a review! I'd love to know what you think!

Thanks in advance…click on the graphic below to listen in:

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Is debt getting you down?

This week's question from my portal “The Neagle Code: Directions for Life” comes from someone who wishes to remain anonymous.

Neagle Code Question

Hi David,

I really, really desire a new car. But I also have credit card debt that I need to pay off. I hear your voice in my head telling me to act on my desire, but I also have a voice in my head telling me to pay off my debt FIRST. Am I thinking about this inaccurately?

Neagle Code Answer

Great question!

I think the real question here isn’t actually about where to spend your money; it’s a question of mindset.

You see, the lower and middle class mindset is steeped in the word “OR”.

They ask, “Should I do this OR should I do that?”

They see limitation and lack.

The wealthy think in terms of “AND”.

They ask:

“What would need to happen for me to do this AND that?”


“What would I need to do differently so that I could have this AND that?”

They see possibility and abundance.

I want to encourage you to think like the wealthy.

What are you resisting doing or being that would allow you to pay off your debts AND purchase the car?

TRUTH: You wouldn’t have the desire to do both
if the opportunity to make the money wasn’t also here.

That’s the question you must ask if you wish for your financial situation to change.

PS: The Neagle Code: Directions for Life is a weekly no-cost program that is open to everyone! Each week, I'll select and personally respond to one question that I feel in my heart will help the most people. (You may choose to remain anonymous if you wish, with our full support.) It is my deep, heartfelt intention that ~ in answering your questions ~ I may provide you with the Universal Truths that in committed application, will set you free. See the sidebar to ask your question today!



How do I break out of the cycle of debt?

This week's question from my portal “The Neagle Code: Directions for Life” comes from someone who wishes to remain anonymous.

Neagle Code Question

Hi David,

I have been listening to your Art of Success Business School podcast (which is amazing) and realized a pattern I have perpetuated my entire adult life. The pattern has been to invest in school, and now my business, which creates debt. That in turn creates pressure to work to eliminate the debt, which I always have, only to turn around and repeat the same pattern. My question is now that I can clearly see this pattern, how do I get to the root cause of it?

Neagle Code Answer

Hi, and thanks for your question!

Here’s the thing…getting to the root cause isn’t necessarily going to solve the problem, and it will just distract you from doing what’s necessary to change the pattern.

Sometimes it takes a while to get to a root cause, and it’s even more difficult if you’re trying to do it yourself.

What I suggest is to start focusing on the solution to the issue rather than on the cause (which just keeps you in the pattern).

The solution is to

Right now, you’re used to only bringing in “just enough”. You have to raise that bottom bar.

For example, instead of setting your sights on just bringing in enough to survive, increase that to 10%, 20%, 30% ABOVE what you need to just get by.

And then DO NOT LET YOURSELF off the hook.

You see, it’s a two-part process. The first part is making the decision to bring in more than enough, the second part is being willing to do whatever it takes to make sure you hit that goal.

You may want to start with a small increase to begin to build that muscle, and once you hit that goal, use that momentum to keep going to the next goal.

You’ll have to keep those commitments to yourself or this won’t work. You must not stop prior to hitting the goal.

If you do, you’ll be back in the same pattern.

Give yourself this new experience of bringing in more than enough, and you’ll break the pattern!

If anyone else is interested in my Art of Success Business School, click here for free access:



PS: The Neagle Code: Directions for Life is a weekly no-cost program that is open to everyone! Each week, I'll select and personally respond to one question received via the above “The Neagle Code” page that I feel in my heart will help the most people. (You may choose to remain anonymous if you wish, with our full support.) It is my deep, heartfelt intention that ~ in answering your questions ~ I may provide you with the Universal Truths that in committed application, will set you free.

Can I go into debt to invest in my business?

This week's question from my portal “The Neagle Code: Directions for Life” comes from someone who wishes to remain anonymous.

Neagle Code Question

Is it OK to go into debt to build your business and invest in business growth strategies?

Neagle Code Answer

Hi, and thanks for your question.

This question is the perfect example of my teachings on using debt as a tool.

I truly believe that the best use of debt is in the investment in your own growth, whether it’s personal, spiritual or business.

If you talk to any successful business owner, you will see that they have used debt to propel their business.

However, there are parameters around using debt to grow your business.

First, before considering taking out a loan, you MUST have a plan. You must have an actionable strategy with clear-cut goals and benchmarks or be investing in a program that’s going to give you that clear-cut plan.

Taking out a loan and not having a plan in place that allows for you to pay it back is financially irresponsible and only serves as a Band-Aid.

Second, you must be WILLING do what it takes to get a return on investment. This means you have to take action on your plan, and allow nothing to stop you.

A plan and goals are only as good as the paper they are written on. You must be WILLING to take action.

I see entrepreneurs EVERYDAY who spend money on building their business or getting the information they need to build their business, but they never take the action they need to take to grow, and life becomes very hard.

The debt piles up and stress, worry, fear and doubt take hold.

Suddenly they find themselves wondering what happened and why things aren’t working and why things are so hard.

You see…success is EASY if you are willing.

I’m doing a free mini-course on this exact topic at 2:00 pm ET on September 1st. I even titled it, “Stop Making Things HARD.” Click here to join me: www.DavidNeagle.com/hard-enough



PS: The Neagle Code: Directions for Life is a weekly no-cost program that is open to everyone! Each week, I'll select and personally respond to one question received via the above “The Neagle Code” page that I feel in my heart will help the most people. (You may choose to remain anonymous if you wish, with our full support.) It is my deep, heartfelt intention that ~ in answering your questions ~ I may provide you with the Universal Truths that in committed application, will set you free. Simply submit YOUR burning question at: www.DavidNeagle.com/ask-david to participate.

Can I manifest money to pay off debt?

This week's question from my portal “The Neagle Code: Directions for Life” comes from someone who wishes to remain anonymous.

Neagle Code Question

Hi David,

You've mentioned the law: “If you have a strong enough desire for something, the money MUST be there.” Please say more about how this works. For instance, if I SHOULD manifest enough money to pay off debt, does this mean that I don't DESIRE it enough to manifest the money because it's more of a “should”? Or, in another case, if I really, really desire the $50,000 car I saw drive by me yesterday, am I likely to manifest the money more readily? How does a “should” versus a “desire” affect manifestation?

Neagle Code Answer

Thanks for this great question!

Most people aren’t excited about paying debt, but that doesn’t mean the money isn’t there. I recommend paying off your debt AND buying the car.

Your goals should allow you to accomplish ANYTHING you want, and if paying off your debt and purchasing a new car is what you want, that’s the goal you should be setting.

However, you don’t need to focus on paying all your debt at once. There’s nothing wrong with paying it off in increments. You don’t want to make paying off that debt a hardship for yourself, or you’ll come to resent it, and that opens up a new problem. Make sure you don’t sacrifice everything to pay it off.

The only flip side to your “desire and should” question has to do with shame.

If you have shame around your debt, if you’re embarrassed by it, or try to hide it, you will have a difficult time manifesting the money needed to pay it off.


Because how you do anything is how you do everything, and if you’re experiencing shame, it will prevent you from doing the things necessary to manifest the money.

So if you can’t see that debt is simply a tool and be grateful for it and truly appreciate what it’s provided to you, you may want to take a long hard look as to how you actually feel about the debt.

Once you drop the shame and negative feelings around it, you’ll be surprised how much easier it will be to manifest the money to pay it off.



PS: The Neagle Code: Directions for Life is a weekly no-cost program that is open to everyone! Each week, I'll select and personally respond to one question received via the above “The Neagle Code” page that I feel in my heart will help the most people. (You may choose to remain anonymous if you wish, with our full support.) It is my deep, heartfelt intention that ~ in answering your questions ~ I may provide you with the Universal Truths that in committed application, will set you free. Simply submit YOUR burning question at: www.DavidNeagle.com/ask-david to participate.

Why can’t I pay off my credit card balance when I intend to?

This week's question from my portal “The Neagle Code: Directions for Life” comes from someone who wishes to remain anonymous.

Neagle Code Question

Dear David,

I have a question about paying for expenses. I hear you say that The Universe provides money based on what you need. Well I have a credit card balance of $7,000. Each month I intend to bring in the money to pay this off in full, but all The Universe brings me is the minimum payment which is due! So how do I work the laws of the universe to be able to pay the full amount? And yes, I really want to pay the full amount. I get interest fees each month on it, so that's another motivating factor for me to want to pay it all. I would love your guidance. Thanks!

Neagle Code Answer

Thanks for your question!

First I think it’s important to explain how the Universe provides. You see the Universe is completely deductive in nature. This means that it cannot provide to you anything that is not impressed upon it by you.

If month after month you’re not able to pay off that credit card debt, we need to look at the Law of Cause and Effect. This Law states that for every cause there is an effect. In simple terms this means that there’s something that you are not doing that is causing you to only be able to create the minimum due.

Really examine your actions. Are you doing EVERYTHING you can to bring in the money you need even if it means working late, making extra sales calls, and sacrificing time with your friends or family?

Look at where you stop.

Be honest with yourself and ask to be shown what you are resisting doing or being in order to be able to bring in the full $7,000.00. Once you see the resistance, take action immediately.

It is through accurate action that you impress your desire on The Universe so that it can provide what you desire.



PS: The Neagle Code: Directions for Life is a weekly no-cost program that is open to everyone! Each week, I'll select and personally respond to one question received via the above “The Neagle Code” page that I feel in my heart will help the most people. (You may choose to remain anonymous if you wish, with our full support.) It is my deep, heartfelt intention that ~ in answering your questions ~ I may provide you with the Universal Truths that in committed application, will set you free. Simply submit YOUR burning question at: www.DavidNeagle.com/ask-david to participate.

Does my debt mean I have received more than I have given?

This week's question from my portal “The Neagle Code: Directions for Life” comes from someone who wishes to remain anonymous.

Neagle Code Question

Hi David!

I know that you teach that money is energy. It occurred to me that debt may be a reflection of having received more than one has given. Is that accurate? If so, what is the best way to reverse this equation? It seems obvious to say ‘give more' – but give what? I don’t have extra financial resources. Thanks.

Neagle Code Answer

This is an excellent question!

Many people have issues with debt and the stigma and shame that come along with it.

To address your first question, debt is not a reflection of having received more than one has given.

Debt is essentially a tool and should be used as such. Most people think that debt is “bad”, but imagine what your life would be like without it.

How would you purchase a house or invest in education or experiences for yourself without it?

Instead of thinking of it negatively, be grateful for it.

All that being said, if you’re accumulating debt from a dysfunctional place, it’s very important that you address the underlying reason for your spending habits.

Are you buying things to fill a need (love, security or self esteem) or are you investing in your growth?

The second part of your question deals with something different…

You alluded that it’s tough to give if you’re in debt.

When you give it doesn’t have to be financially. Doing a favor for a neighbor, giving of your time or your talents, and volunteering are just a few ways to “give” until you have the resources to give financially.


PS: The Neagle Code: Directions for Life is a weekly no-cost program that is open to everyone! Each week, I'll select and personally respond to one question received via the above “The Neagle Code” page that I feel in my heart will help the most people. (You may choose to remain anonymous if you wish, with our full support.) It is my deep, heartfelt intention that ~ in answering your questions ~ I may provide you with the Universal Truths that in committed application, will set you free. Simply submit YOUR burning question at: www.DavidNeagle.com/ask-david to participate.

When getting a loan makes sense …

This week's question from my portal “The Neagle Code: Directions for Life” comes from Kim.


Do you go into debt to finance your company to stretch the reach of your audience and marketing possibilities?


Hi Kim and thanks for your question.

This question is the perfect example of my teachings on using debt as a tool.

I truly believe that the best use of debt is in the investment in your own growth, whether it's personal, spiritual or business.

If you talk to any successful business owner you will see that they have used debt to propel their business.

However, there are parameters around using debt to grow your business.

First, before considering taking out a loan, you MUST have a plan. You must have an actionable strategy with clear-cut goals and benchmarks or be investing in a program that's going to give you that clear-cut plan.

Taking out a loan and not having a plan in place that allows for you to pay it back is financially irresponsible and only serves as a Band-Aid.

Second, you must be WILLING do what it takes to get a return on investment. This means you have to take action on your plan, and allow nothing to stop you.

A plan and goals are only as good as the paper it's written on unless you are willing to take action on it.

I see entrepreneurs EVERYDAY who spend money on building their business or getting the information they need to build their business, but they never take the action they need to take to grow.

“Just Believe”,®

P.S: The Neagle Code: DIRECTIONS for LIFE is a weekly no-cost program that is open to everyone! Each week, I'll select and personally respond to one question received via the above “The Neagle Code” page that I feel in my heart will help the most people. (You may choose to remain anonymous if you wish, with our full support.) It is my deep, heartfelt intention that ~ in answering your questions ~ I may provide you with the Universal Truths that in committed application, will set you free. Simply submit YOUR burning question at: www.TheNeagleCode.com to participate.

P.P.S.: May I ask you to help me spread the word about this program? Is there someone you care for who is stuck, or struggling, or lost, or unhappy? Because if so, I would very much like to help. No matter their question, no matter their predicament, no matter if they've never heard of me before … if they would like to ask for help via www.TheNeagleCode.com, my Team and I will do our very best to provide that help.

The difference between DEBT and DIAMONDS …

This week's question from my portal “The Neagle Code: Directions for Life” comes from an individual who wishes to remain anonymous.


Hi David,
You've mentioned the law, “If you have a strong enough desire for something, the money MUST be there.” Please say more about how this works. For instance, if I SHOULD manifest enough money to pay off debt, does this mean that I don't DESIRE it enough to manifest the money because it's more of a “should.” Or, in another case, if I really, really desire the $12,000 diamond necklace I saw in a window yesterday, am I likely to manifest the money. And if there is a conflict, as in a “should” and a “desire,” how do I resolve the conflict and do both.
P.S. Love your work.


Thanks for this great question!

Most people aren't excited about paying debt, but that doesn't mean the money isn't there. I recommend paying off your debt AND buying the $12,000.00 necklace.

Your goals should allow you to accomplish ANYTHING you want, and if paying off your debt and purchasing a diamond necklace is what you want, that's the goal you should be setting.

However, you don't need to focus on paying all your debt at once. There's nothing wrong with paying it off in increments. You don't want to make paying off that debt a hardship for yourself, or you'll come to resent it, and that opens up a new problem. Make sure you don't sacrifice everything to pay it off.

The only flip side to your “desire and should” question has to do with shame.

If you have shame around your debt, if you're embarrassed by it, or try to hide it, you will have a difficult time manifesting the money needed to pay it off.


Because how you do anything is how you do everything, and if you're experiencing shame, it will prevent you from doing the things necessary to manifest the money.

So if you can't see that debt is simply a tool and be grateful for it and truly appreciate what it's provided to you, you may want to take a long hard look as to how you actually feel about the debt.

Once you drop the shame and negative feelings around it, you'll be surprised how much easier it will be to manifest the money to pay it off.

“Just Believe”,®

P.S: The Neagle Code: DIRECTIONS for LIFE is a weekly no-cost program that is open to everyone! Each week, I'll select and personally respond to one question received via the above “The Neagle Code” page that I feel in my heart will help the most people. (You may choose to remain anonymous if you wish, with our full support.) It is my deep, heartfelt intention that ~ in answering your questions ~ I may provide you with the Universal Truths that in committed application, will set you free. Simply submit YOUR burning question at: www.TheNeagleCode.com to participate.

P.P.S.: May I ask you to help me spread the word about this program? Is there someone you care for who is stuck, or struggling, or lost, or unhappy? Because if so, I would very much like to help. No matter their question, no matter their predicament, no matter if they've never heard of me before … if they would like to ask for help via www.TheNeagleCode.com, my Team and I will do our very best to provide that help.